Introduction If you’ve found your way here, you live in or near Zone 3, a very-inhospitable-to-green-things area of the world, and want to improve your chances of getting a good …
Less work = more posting. More work = less posting. Funny how that works. I prefer more frequently posting little bits of news, it’s easier to look back on and …
Up here in central-western Alberta, summer is often just a suggestion and more accurately called “mud and construction season”, and spring and fall are unofficially known as “late winter” and …
If you’re tossing all your scraps into your compost pile, read this before you toss any more! Here’s some of my favourite things to regrow, though many more plants can …
There hasn’t really been much to blog about. I’m back to watering, the rain went away again. The weather’s perfect, been about 70 so not too hot. Everything is growing …
I was feeling rather guilty, not checking on the garden today, so I bundled up (it was like 55F out – how did I manage living in sub-zero Idaho for …