I died.

2 min to read

Really. When I saw the thermometer in my van and it said 106F, I died. Thankfully the a/c brought me back. Well, maybe not so much, it’s still 80 degrees inside my house at 11pm and I’m miserable. I’m sure I sound melodramatic, but I tend to get awful migraines with the heat (got one yesterday) and it just makes me feel so horrible. Blech. I’m really not thrilled about this climate change stuff!

The garden is doing marvelous (I felt compelled to use that word, I don’t know why)…I finally have a teeny tiny oh-so-cute little green bean that I will get a picture of tomorrow. I dug up a little russet tater too, so see how they were doing, and it looks excellent. I will be cutting and drying parsley tomorrow, it’s taking over! I wish the basil would do so well. And the oregano and thyme…and chives…I’m getting the distinct impression my herbs don’t like this soil, at all. Time for a container herb garden?

The peas are producing like crazy. So far, no one else likes them much so they are ALL MINE! HA! Their loss! I found I much prefer the sugar snap to the Oregon snap, better flavor and crunch, but the sugar is tasty too. Lots of strawberries, and the kids report they are awesome. Tiny little things even fully ripe, but very juicy and tasty. The pumpkins, zucchini and crookneck squash are growing very well, getting big and leafy, but no blooms. I’m guessing in the next 2 weeks I’ll see some.

See you soon!

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