I hope all my readers had a happy Mother’s Day! I got my garden (back)! We rented a rototiller and the husband, the kids, and I were able to get …
A break from the chicks so update on the seedling progress – the strawberries are doing lovely! The celery is coming along – I discovered celery needs a lot of …
Thank you, to the visitor who pointed out our website wasn’t working. I’d received an email a couple days ago that our “super speedy” service had exceeded bandwidth and we’d …
How’s that for a title. Naming these posts is easily the hardest part of posting. Type out details is satisfying, putting into (usually) organized words what’s been done, but those …
The wait for spring becomes almost a living thing for those of us in this climate. We dread the return of mud, but the return of green growing things and …
Don’t panic! You were supposed to be sent here from the garden-of-eatin link you clicked. This is our new farm website for our new farm name; garden-of-eatin.com will eventually be …
That moment when you realize it was 2014 when you posted last, and it’s somehow now 2017…. How did that happen? Looking back over all the year’s posts, my poor …
Here is the contents of the gift bag at the 2015 GBK Primetime Emmys Celebrity Gifting Suite – our soap (Silk & Shea Butter Handmade Soap – Mini Size) is …
Well, not me! But my soap is! Specifically, my Mini Silk & Shea Butter Handmade Soap is being gifted to the Press/Media at the 2015 GBK Primetime Emmys Celebrity Gifting …
Finally – it’s been years since I got to really get into doing a veggie garden, but I got a start on it today! It didn’t take much work to …
I was pretty jazzed to wake up this morning – I’m “one of those” that checks my email before I’m even out of bed, just a quick look to see …
7 flats of dead starts later, the garden won’t be what my inlaws or I had hoped. Live and learn! Communication was the main problem, everyone thought someone else was …