Just a general update on how things are going in the Garden of Eatin’ today.
The weeds are taking over. I need to get out there and attack with the weed whacker, it’s that bad. It’s not stopping things from growing, so that much is good! But it won’t happen in the next few days…yesterday we had 100F+ temps, today we’re due for 105F and tomorrow is supposed to be 100F, and Sunday 90F…temps should be back in the mid 70s on Monday, so I’ll plan on going lots of work in the garden then, with before after after pics.
The tomato stake experiement has literally been a giant FLOP. As soon as the tomatoes started getting big, the plants got so heavy and thick they’ve tipped over, breaking the stakes and I have lots of tomatoes on the ground at risk from bugs…trying to keep them UP but they just keep growing and falling more :help
The corn is nearly 7′ high with lots of ears. I think we might have some grilled steak and corn for dinner tonight.
The lemon cucumbers are finally growing, well….like taking over their corner of the garden. I definitely planted too many. And the little vines have built in protection to keep me from picking too early, their thorns leave me bleeding when I try.
The strawberries stopped producing fruit all together after giving us hardly anything and are producing runners like crazy. I tried stopped that to see if it would encourage fruit, but it didn’t.
I’ve gotten 6 gigantic zucchini now and there’s lots more growing. I’ll be shredding and freezing it this weekend. Those suckers grow fast!
The crookneck is finally starting to grow fruit, but only after the plant grew to “Little Shop of Horrors” porportions.
Out one pumpkin is about basketball sized and just starting to turn orange.
Potatoes will finish being harvested tonight, there’s 3 plants left and I want to make potato salad. I forgot to write down the ingredients I used last time, I’ll do that this weekend and post the recipe :D
- The Garden & Greenhouse this Week - July 17, 2024
- Avoiding cooked chicken in a heatwave - July 8, 2024
- I think the peppers are intimidated by the tomatoes - July 1, 2024
I so wish I had a pumpkin. I’m growing one, but it refuses to set any fruit.
Your tomatoes should still do fine if you can get something under them to keep them off the ground — burlap? tarp? boards? I’ve had the same thing happen myself before. If all else fails and they’re a decent size, they’ll ripen off the vine, too. :) Good luck!