I’ve seen it mentioned that Canada is the “canary in the coalmine” for climate change (excuse the unintentional alliteration there), and our extremely unusually mild winters have made it clear that something is happening. But along with warmer winters, we also see crazier weather overall, like freezing temperatures almost 3 weeks after our Last Frost Date of June 1. Not to mention that it’s still so chilly at night that nothing is really enthusiastic about growing.
Yes, we saw -1c both June 19 and June 20, 2024. The first day of Summer. Thankfully for us, most of the delicate plants (tomatoes, cucumber, and peppers) were in the greenhouse and didn’t get much damage, but we had to restart all our pumpkins, squash, and watermelons as they just weren’t tough enough. The potatoes all wilted but the local gardener group I’m in ensured me that they’d rebound, and they did.
Why can’t weeds be affected by frost??
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