Owl Creek Farm » Life » Pluggin’ along

Pluggin’ along

by Amy
7 min to read

Sitting at the kitchen table on my new laptop makes updating the website a lot easier (than hiding in the computer room on a desktop). The mister and I bought gaming laptops last month (because we are giant nerds but need to be mobile) and I love how easy it is to keep an eye on dinner or sit down for a 5 minute break while cleaning, while being online (and not on the tiny phone screen).

Anyway, I’ve been making apple cinnamon pancakes this morning (I know, I still need to share with you all – these pancakes are so good and so easy) and doing laundry and other little chores while I get the website updated, including what soaps are available on the Handmade Soap & Skin Care page.

I’ve not a lot of time to make lots of soap, but I’m also not able to sell at markets, and I’m not shipping (for now anyway; it’s just too costly) so I’m not even trying to make a lot, just enough for a few super wonderful local customers and family.

My biggest skin care project is deodorant

I bought an assortment of new ingredients and have completely remade my deodorant.

What I’ve made is a cross between store bought deodorant with ingredients like propanediol (which is a plant derived substitute for petrochemical derived propylene glycol), and more natural deodorant ingredients like coconut oil, plus ingredients like zinc ricinoleate and magnesium hydroxide (for bacterial odour control).

The idea is to have a deodorant natural enough that it’s suitable for sensitive skin while being strong enough to actually work for people who…. actually work.

No store bought or “natural deodorant” does this. None. They either peel the skin on my armpits or stop working, as soon as I start. The mister has painful eczema, and the kids have sensitive skin, so everything I make has to be safe for them and not cause any reactions.

It’s like I have a built in “product test force”.

Anyway, v1 of the new formula is good, I’m quite pleased with it. It goes on solid and disappears in clear. It works. 12 solid hours and no stink. It’s a little too soft with a little too much coconut oil – you can’t push too hard putting it on and it might stain some fabrics (hasn’t happened yet, but have to be careful), so v2 is going to fix those areas and be retested. The mister and I are testing v1 now, I’ll be making enough of v2 for the teens to test. If they can make it through school without reapplying, we are golden!

My product goal is to see my deodorant and lotion in at least one store in 2021. Soaps will probably never see a chain store, they are too costly and time consuming with the 4+ week cure time. I’m looking for deodorant testers for v2+ – if you are local to little smoky or valleyview and do not use antiperspirant, and want to be a product tester, let me know. Not wearing antiperspirant is important – there is a “detox” period of up to 4 weeks when you switch from not sweating, to being able to sweat, and it can fool a person into thinking the new deodorant doesn’t work.

I hope everyone has a peaceful and productive week and I will try to keep updates happening (especially recipes!) more often -Amy

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