We aren’t currently using any social media, so the best way to stay up to date is with our newsletter, which exists to send an email on Sundays (only) when there are new posts on this blog! Very, very rarely (less than once a year!), you might see an additional email is something special is happening, and we never spam a bunch of crap at people.
My time to make soap has slowed down over the years, but we still use it every single day so when I realized we had just over a month’s worth of soap left (3 bars!!), I shoved a bunch of other “required chores” aside for a couple of weekends and made it happen! It was good to get back to it, I really need to make the time more often!
As always, my creativity cannot be found anywhere near the design of a batch of soap (similar to my cake baking – taste over looks every time) – but I take pride in my recipes, offering my family, friends, and customers a safe and top quality product they’ll be happy to use in every shower. These soaps use almond oil in place of olive oil, and do not use sodium lactate (which is useful in olive oil soaps to harden the bars quickly for cutting, but not really needed if olive oil isn’t used in a latge percentage), but they are essentially the same soaps we’ve been using for the last 12 years!
The following will be cured and available for local purchase on October 1, 2023:
- Enchanted Woods
- Oatmeal, Milk & Honey
- Lemongrass & Lavender
- Mandarin Orange
- Spruceberry
- Autumn Harvest
I am NOT able to ship! I can deliver to Valleyview or Fox Creek, Alberta. I’ll update these product pages with new photos and replace the olive oil ingredient with almond oil before October 1!
- Ham & Bean Soup - February 2, 2025
- Imbolc and Groundhog Day - February 2, 2025
- Reduce Dependence on Imported Vegetables - February 1, 2025